Integrated Vue App

This section of the site is to allow for a standalone /app/ folder that can share some config with the rest of the site as needed, but also has it's own routing, components etc

This app assumes a vercel installation where serverless functions are available at /api/, with the local site running through vercel CLI using vercel dev

ENV variables

The API is designed to be fairly generic and portable by changing API keys to different services:

Build Order

This is still part of 11ty, so yarn dev or vercel dev at the top level (i.e running the whole site) will also watch these files too.

styles/app.css is the main stylesheet. This automatically includes the vue single-file-component scoped styles which esbuild will build out to dist/app.css.

So esbuild watches js/app.js and the entire Vue app for any css. It outputs that to dist/app.css. Next, 11ty & postcss is watching styles/app.css, which imports all the other styles, including an @import to dist/app.css (the Vue css) Finally, we include dist/app.js and dist/app.mins.css

NOTE that 11ty config creates a passthrough copy to the _site/app/ folder, so that's where they are publically accessible.

File Structure

src/app.js and src/app.css are the entry points. Everything else is imported from those. Afterwards, they will generate dist/app.min.js and dist/app.min.css respectively.

NOTE that dist/ is relative to the app/ folder, so is app/dist/app.min.xx dist/ is meant as a temporary compiliation directory, any edits shoudl be made to files in src/, the build config shuld do the rest.

Tailwind + VUE

The way the bundling is configured, you can use tailwind within css with .classname{@apply bg-[red] md:bg-[blue];}, or within the vue templates as <div class="bg-[red] md:bg-[blue]"></div>

You can even use @apply within scoped styles in vue components:

<style scoped>
		@apply bg-[red] md:bg-[blue];

You can EVEN use nesting inside scoped styles, but — beware - nesting needs to apply to items that are within the same .vue file:

	<div class="item">
		<div class="inner">
		<div class="component">
			<SomeOtherComponent /> <!-- CANNOT BE STYLED WITH SCOPED NESTING -->
<style scoped>
		@apply bg-[red] md:bg-[blue];

		& .inner{
			@apply bg-[gray]; /* This works as inside the vue scope */

		& .component svg{
			/* Scoped attribute won't work as the scope is lost down the tree */

Example Apps

User login & registration with Pinia + Vue 3: Demo Vue3 + Pinia App: JSON Diffing & Patching: JSON Database: